Artech House eBooks Library


IEEE has partnered with Artech House, a leading technical book publisher, to bring their high-quality eBooks to the IEEE Xplore digital library.

Artech House Publishers is an international press that has built along the years a notable reputation among readers, authors, editors, and librarians worldwide as a source of very trusted peer-reviewed publications in business, computer science, and engineering.

Artech House provides today’s professionals and students with cutting-edge books from the world’s top authorities. From Antennas, RF/Microwave Design, Communications, Radar Engineering, Electronic Defense, to GPS/GNSS, Power Engineering, Nanotechnology, Computer Security, Blockchain, IoT and more.

This collection consists of  700 titles with an annual frontlist of up to 35 new titles per year.



View the 2024 Frontlist for Artech House eBooks Library

View the 2023 Frontlist for Artech House eBooks Library

View the 2022 Frontlist for Artech House eBooks Library

View the 2020 Frontlist for Artech House eBooks Library

Artech House Master List from 1999