ASME Scientific Literature Digital Collection

ASME Journals, Conference Proceedings & eBooks

Fondata nel 1880 come American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME  è l’organizzazione più importante di soci professionisti con oltre 127.000 ingegneri meccanici e membri associati nel mondo. ASME ha anche condotto la più importante operazione al mondo nella pubblicazione di materiale tecnico offrendo migliaia di titoli provenienti dalle principali riviste scientifiche, atti di convegni e dai libri pubblicati da ASME Press.

ASME Digital Collection rappresenta il principale deposito di lettertura corrente e di archivio che comprende:

ASME’s Transaction Journals

L’accesso a ASME’s Journals dal1960 ad oggi, includendo:

•          Applied Mechanics Reviews
•          Journal of Applied Mechanics
•          Journal of Basic Engineering
•          Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
•          Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
•          Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
•          Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
•          Journal of Electronic Packaging
•          Journal of Energy Resources Technology
•          Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
•          Journal of Engineering for Industry
•          Journal of Engineering for Power
•          Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
•          Journal of Fluids Engineering
•          Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
•          Journal of Heat Transfer
•          Journal of Lubrication Technology
•          Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
•          Journal of Mechanical Design
•          Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
•          Journal of Mechanisms Transmissions and Automation in Design
•          Journal of Medical Devices
•          Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing
•          Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine
•          Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
•          Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
•          Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
•          Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications
•          Journal of Tribology
•          Journal of Turbomachinery
•          Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
•          Journal of Vibration Acoustics Stress and Reliability in Design

ASME Digital Collection continua ad espandersi, e recentemente comprende anche l’archivio completo di  ASME’s Transactions Journals che risale al 1880.

ASME’s Conference Proceedings
Accesso ad ASME’s Conference Proceedings dal 2002 ad oggi.

Accesso a più di  100 ASME Press eBooks selezionati dal 1998 ad oggi , che coprono i seguenti argomenti :

•          Design and Manufacturing
•          Emerging Technologies
•          Engineering Management
•          Gas Turbines and Power
•          Heat Transfer and Electronic Packaging
•          Pipeline Engineering
•          Pressure Vessels and Piping
•          Risk and Remediation
•          Tribology

ASME sponsorizza circa 30 conferenze l’anno e pubblica circa  100 volumi di proceedings l’anno, coprendo la totalità di tutti gli argomenti inerenti a Ingegneria meccanica e  industrie associate.

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